Saturday, February 16, 2008

Over 70 Blogs Have Signed Up for March 19 Blogswarm Against Iraq War

Count me in.

As a Gold Star Mom, my blog "Gold Star Mom Speaks Out" gives voice to the 3960 US casualties, including my only child. I don't want one more family to experience losing their loved one in this hideous endless occupation.
- Gold Star Mom Speaks Out

This comment signing up for the March 19 Blogswarm Against the Iraq War reminds me of why it was so important to work with the blogger behind Ten Percent to start the blogswarm in the first place.

Iraqi Soldier Killed in 2003

The most important thing about this war is its effect on real live human beings. The corporate media try to make this about abstract arguments and political bs, but people are being separated from their loved ones and their countries. People are being killed and being maimed. This is happening to Americans and Brits. It is happening to far more Iraqis.

A Soldier carries a wounded Iraqi child into the Charlie Medical Centre at Camp Ramadi, Iraq in 2007.

Over 70 blogs have joined in so far. I hope hundreds participate in this effort on March 19. We need to stop this insanity.

The time of global warring which promotes global warming must be over. The human suffering must stop.

Please join in this effort.