Never Again.
The "Presidency" of George W. Bush is grinding to an excruciating, long-awaited and long-overdue halt; with luck and perserverence, we'll still find a way to get impeachment and accountability back on the table to ensure that none of the blaggards, thieves and liars who voluminously infest the framework around this "Administration" can ever return to government. The Ford, Bush I and even Clinton Administrations pardoned previous incarnations of the same under the misbegotten claim of "moving forward" -- we now face the same individuals, working together in a concentrated concoction of the nefarious and ne'er-do-well, as a result.
But this isn't even about them. It's much more focused.
This is about the first hints that George W. Bush's most important legacy -- the one we may actually thank him for, even if he is allowed to escape the Justice he's so actively thwarted and manipulated. This is about how George W. Bush may have saved the nation, simply by damaging it so badly that he's virtually guaranteed there will never be another Bush Presidency.
The article How W. derailed Jeb Bush's future by Jacob Weisberg, editor of Slate, was written for the Los Angeles Times, and appeared on Mercury News on February 17th. In it, Mr. Weisberg takes a sobering look at the chances of Jeb Bush for putting in a bid to take up the Bush Presidential Dynasty, and concludes that it is highly unlikely after George W's legacy of tragic destruction. A small excerpt:As the second Bush presidency grinds to its dismal conclusion, Jeb and his parents seem to think that George W.'s mistakes have destroyed the second son's chances of ever occupying the White House, family friends say. Jeb was merely recognizing reality when he opted not to run for president in 2008. While a campaign in 2012 or beyond theoretically is possible, Jeb says he has no interest and complains that no one will believe him.
Among those who don't want to take no for an answer is his brother the president, for whom, ironically, Jeb's election would provide a measure of historical vindication.
While Jeb seems resigned to abandoning politics, family friends have described his parents as devastated that the older son spiked the chances of the younger one.
Jeb, the obedient son, the one who was supposed to be president, who even after George Junior's election was regarded as a potential third in the line, now faces a political impasse. His older brother dashed ahead and blew up the bridge behind him. At this point, not many people inside or outside the family think it can be rebuilt.
Perhaps we have one thing to be thankful for in the looming wake of the abysmal Bush II Presidency: that, should fortune smile upon us, we'll never -- EVER -- have to endure another one.
Now, if only we could be certain that Bush's true legacy would be that this incarnation of the Bush family, and their peers and supporters, would never again hold any office public or private in this still-reeling nation...
There's more: "Never Again." >>