General David Petraeus To Iran: “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Notes on a personable administration military mouthpiece
Cross-posted @ My Buffalo River Home, and McClatchy
From McClatchy:
"Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. general in Iraq, who briefed the president on Iraq along with U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, also spoke out against Iranian intervention."Iran's senior-most leaders promised Iraq's that they would stop funding, arming, training and directing of militia extremists and other elements in Iraq that were creating security challenges," Petraeus said. "We are waiting, frankly, to see that carried out."
The Iranians said that they would attempt to prevent the aforementioned behavior. They NEVER admitted to arming ANY Iraqi insurgents with ANY weaponry, EFPs, or anything else!
You know the old saying: "Have the Iranians stopped beating their wives yet?"
David Petraeus is quite simply a personable administration military mouthpiece with a limited logical/rhetorical repertoire.
How DO you disprove something you aren't doing?
Do they have to start arming Iraqi militants (patriots) to stop and say they did, but they aren't anymore?
Anyone with a living brain can see that this is utter B.S.
The U.S. has not produced a single speck of physical evidence to back their claim, and there is NO DOUBT it would be just as fabricated as the "Iranian speedboat tape."
Perhaps using those 1/4 million missing AK47s lost by the Pentagon's favorite air carrier, Victor Bout... Former KGB, now Russian mobster with connections to AQ & the Taliban...
Mr. Petraeus had the temerity to say it was just "..a bookkeeping error"
His time is up. He lies too much, just like his boss, George W. Bush.
Da' Buffalo
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