Thursday, November 1, 2007

Apparently NOT "Made In Iran" - Whose EFPs (IEDs)? Iraqi EFPs - Rightweb

To paraphrase the old Mickey Mouse Club refrain:

"Because they LIKE US!"

The next time someone announces (F’rinstance the State Department, George Bush, ‘Big Dick’ Cheney, Robert Gates, or a co-worker) that Iran is complicit in the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq… Show them this:

(Click the pic for the original illustration and article @ Weed Garden)


The copy on top reads:

These hunks of copper found in a workshop in Iraq are the "high-tech" components of deadly "explosively formed penetrators" (EFPs) that administration flacks say come from Iran.

Because, clearly, Iraqis are too stupid to make these copper disks on their own.

Never mind that these explosives have been used by many groups, including the Irish Republican Army. Never mind that the U.S. has their own brand of EFP.

Here's what the official Iranian version of this weapon actually looks like:

RightWeb On EFPs:

"The earliest EFPs appearing in Iraq in 2004 were so professionally made that they were probably constructed by Hezbollah specialists, according to a detailed account by British expert Michael Knights in Jane's Intelligence Review last year.

By late 2005, however, the British command had already found clear evidence that the Iraqi Shiites were manufacturing their own EFPs. British Army Maj. Gen. J. B. Dutton told reporters in November 2005 that the bombs were of varying degrees of sophistication.

Some of the EFPs required a "reasonably sophisticated factory," he said, while others required only a simple workshop, which he observed, could only mean that some of them were being made inside Iraq.

After British convoys in Maysan province were attacked by a series of EFP bombings in late May 2006, Knights recounts, British forces discovered a factory making them in Majar al-Kabir north of Basra in June.

In addition, the U.S. military also had its own forensic evidence by fall 2006 that EFPs used against its vehicles had been manufactured in Iraq, according to Knights. He cites photographic evidence of EFP strikes on U.S. armored vehicles that "typically shows a mixture of clean penetrations from fully-formed EFP and spattering." That pattern reflected the fact that the locally made EFPs were imperfect.

Then U.S. troops began finding EFP factories. Journalist Andrew Cockburn reported in the Los Angeles Times in mid-February that U.S. troops had raided a Baghdad machine shop in November 2006 and discovered "a pile of copper discs, 5 inches in diameter, stamped out as part of what was clearly an ongoing order."

In a report on February 23, NBC Baghdad correspondent Jane Arraf quoted "senior military officials" as saying that U.S. forces "have been finding an increasing number of the advanced roadside bombs being not just assembled but manufactured in machine shops here."

In full @ RightWeb

Leighm, 'The Buffalo in da' midst"